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Bengaluru Airport: Crisis Leadership through a Pandemic - Presentation
作者姓名:Somnath Baishya, Gita Bajaj
出版日期:2022/02/11內容長度:11782 頁

Presentation to accompany product W25430.

Bengaluru Airport: Crisis Leadership through a Pandemic
作者姓名:Somnath Baishya; Gita Bajaj;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W25429
出版日期:2022/02/09內容長度:15 頁

Bengaluru Airport began an expansion project worth US$2 billion in 2018, but by mid-2020 COVID-19 had severely impacted the aviation industry and reduced passenger volume at the airport by half. Although the airport’s leadership team had detected the crisis early and taken swift action, with no cure for the virus in sight business continuity and staff safety were in jeopardy. The next board meeting was in August 2020, less than seven weeks away, and .....more

Bengaluru Airport: Crisis Leadership through a Pandemic - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Somnath Baishya; Gita Bajaj;
出版日期:2022/02/09內容長度:11 頁

Teaching note for product W25429.